Hamiltons Cross-Country Adventure 2010

Jun 22

Eintrag #10

Publiziert am 17:39
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In the morning, we checked out the Natural Bridge Falls just down from our
campsite in Gallatin National Forest. It is gorgeous! If it was on the
east coast, it would be a major destination for outdoor enthusiasts. We
spent over an hour there and not another person showed up. We hiked around
the waterfall, which cuts underneath limestone rock to form natural bridges.
The last prominent one fell in 1988. Later that day we started our drive
north on Route 89. The road took us through some small towns and endless
rolling plains. For the night, we settled on a campground known as Logging
Creek on the northern part on the Lewis & Clark National Forest. It is much
colder up here... 50-60 degrees during the day. Quite a change from the 100
degree heat in Tennessee. In camp, we had some deer pay us a visit. They
were so close we couldn't decide if they are too familiar with humans in the
area, or totally unsuspecting of us. Hopefully, the bears are more wary!

Whitefish next. After three nights in a tent, we can't wait to stay with
Will (and take a shower!)

  • Name: Logging Creek Campground, L& C National Forest, Montana
  • Höhe: +0 m
  • Breitengrad: 47° 551North
  • Längengrad: 110° 4146West


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