Northern Patagonian Icecap crossing 2009

Nov 13

Dispatch #7

Published at 16:07
Dispatch created from email
Digging deep

Camp 3: Today we managed just 1 kilometer in a total of 9 hours! That should
say everything about the going down here. Even thou the rain forest is
behind us, it is so lush and difficult to find a way forward. At times we
also have to harness up for safety and one time we even had to go onto the
ice itself to find a way.

But for the second run today we found a better path and saved some time.

All in all, not very impressive progress, but great work and very high
spirit. We are definitely getting higher and closer to the plateau.

Sorry, no photos today either. There are way to many and high mountains
around us for transmitting anything other than short messages.
  • Name: Camp 3
  • Elevation: 421 m
  • Latitude: 46° 4129South
  • Longitude: 73° 4810West

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