Northern Patagonian Icecap crossing 2009

Nov 17

Dispatch #11

Published at 22:39
Dispatch created from email
Seeing the Light

Camp 7: Never a dull moment! This day was packed. We started out in poring
rain, dressed up in rain ponchos! But, now being up on the plateau,
conditions are good. That was until we got white-out. Then we had to get the
rope out for safety. That was just as well, as I nearly ended up in a
We navigated on following a route plotted on the satellite photo we have. It
is a very good route, and now at 1200 metres we believe the last crevasse is
behind us.
But all of a sudden everything broke up and in seconds the clouds parted,
the sun came out and huge mountains on all sides came and went in mystic and
cloudy light. I have never ever seen the shades of blue that we were treated
We are now well over the St Raphael glacier and are eating kilometres.
Everyone has found a good rhythm and we are coping extremely well with both
the tough going and the sudden weather changes. And that is just as well, as
at the end of the day it all changed again and we camped as huge wet
snowflakes fell.
Bengt sends his greetings to wife and kids, Thorleif to the store and I to
Max and Eva-Liv
  • Name: Camp 7
  • Elevation: 1200 m
  • Latitude: 46° 489South
  • Longitude: 73° 3338West

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