Kuli South Georgia Expedition

Oct 10

Thrashing About in the South Atlantic

Published at 12:43
Dispatch created from email
Middle Of The South Atlantic

There's something incredibly romantic about sailing across the ocean with no one around for hundreds of miles and nothing but azure waters from horizon to horizon. The ambience instantly disappears when you realize your boat's passengers consist of eight well-meaning, but sweaty and unshaven men. And there is certainly no romance in getting thrashed from port to starboard by merciless, never-ending waves. Or in the seasickness that has struck many of our team (including your correspondent).

We left the Falklands three days ago. Another 36 hours lies ahead before we get to South Georgia Island. The only obstacle that lies ahead is the intriguingly named Shag Rocks, presumably discovered by a pair of lonely sailors during the early days of Polar exploration.

Next update from the dry, seasick-free beaches of South Georgia!
  • Name: Day 3 on open Ocean
  • Elevation: 0 m
  • Latitude: 53° 2038South
  • Longitude: 44° 418West


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